Правильное описание трюков, по идее под кайтом названия должны быть тоже "правильные"

Правильное описание трюков, по идее под кайтом названия должны быть тоже "правильные"
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0    9 июня 2010 г., 12:20:33 GMT+4 #365054
Правильное описание трюков, по идее под кайтом названия должны быть тоже "правильные"
Первоисточник: Raley-Based Tricks Raley-Based Tricks are tricks that are based on the Raley and are built off of it. For trick tip help, please see the Trick List. If we're missing a Raley-Based trick, submit it here. 313: Heelside Raley with a frontside handle-pass 360 - Invented by Shaun Murray. 313 5: Heelside Raley with a frontside handle-pass 540 - Invented by Shaun Murray. 90210: Toeside Raley with a frontside handle-pass 360 - Invented by Mark McNamara. 911: A shifty Raley - Invented by Parks Bonifay. Air Raley: Board is thrown out behind the rider and above the head in a "Superman" fashion - Invented by Darin Shapiro. Batwing: Toeside Raley with an Indy grab - Invented by Scott Harwood. Batwing to Blind: Toeside Raley with a backside 180. Bee Sting: A Vulcan where the rider grabs melan like a Hoochie Glide on the way down - Invented by Mark Kenney. Blind Judge: Heelside Raley with a backside 180 - Invented by Parks Bonifay. Hoochie 313: Hoochie glide with a frontside 360. Hoochie Glide: Heelside Raley with a Method grab - Invented by Gator Lutgert. Hoochie Krypt: Hoochie glide with a frontside 180. AKA hooch to fakie. Hoochie to Blind: Hoochie glide with a backside 180 landing wrapped or passing the handle - Invented by Shaun Murray. Indy Glide: A 911 with an Indy grab. Krypt: Raley with a frontside 180. Oriental: Heelside Raley with a Slob grab - Invented by Scott Byerly Oh Really: Toeside Raley with a Frontside 540. OHH: Heelside Raley with a Stalefish grab. AKA Other Handed Hoochie Glide - Invented by Adam DelVecchio. S-Bend: Heelside raley with an overhead backside 360. Both hands over head - Invented by Shannon Best. S-Bend to Blind: S-Bend with a backside 180 - Invented by Darin Shapiro. S-Bend 720: Heelside Raley with two overhead backside 360's. Both hands overhead - Invented by Andy Owings. S-Mobe: An S-bend with a frontside handle-pass 360 on the way down. Square Raley: A Raley done without the use of the wake. AKA Air Air Raley - Invented by Shaun Murray. Vulcan: An S-Bend with a frontside 180. AKA S-Bend to fakie - Invented by Parks Bonifay.
0    9 июня 2010 г., 16:39:17 GMT+4 #365056
а вот списочек с очками
0    9 июня 2010 г., 21:36:42 GMT+4 #365055
Подсчет по очкам давно вымер, так же как и лига указанная в заголовке!
0    9 июня 2010 г., 22:05:04 GMT+4 #365057
Алан ты как спец в судействе, расскажи как сейчас судят
0    2 ноября 2011 г., 00:08:44 GMT+4 #365058
а с каких пор произошли в технологии судейства? расскажите поподробнее пожалуйста.

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